Dear Rockers,
Welcome to RockFlow.
Our aim is to make investing easy and fun.
With the mission of reducing the barriers to investing, RockFlow users could open an account in 1 minute and invest in fractions of US stocks for as little as $1.
With just a few taps , you can invest in US & HK Stocks, Fractional Shares, ETFs, Index and Gold to enjoy a one-stop investment experience.
Safety is our top priority. Your account has many protections as well as insured by SIPC for up to $500,000.
Now, let's explore how to make your first trading in RockFlow.
1. $2 Free Cash Bonus
If you have opened a RockFlow account successfully, $2 free bonus would be credited automatically.
You can check the amount in APP-[Asset] as following.

2. Search for Your Favourite Companies
Click on the top right corner to search your favourite companies, such as AAPL, TSLA, GOOG and so on.

3. Buy One With Just $1
Click [Buy] to put in as little as $1 towards the company in stock detail page.

4. View Earnings in Asset

5. StockList
Get Hot Stock Lists recommended by investment experts in the [Explore] tab.