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How do I convert currencies?


  • Apply for the exchange under "My" > "Account" > "Currency Exchange"
  • After the exchange is successful, you will receive an email notification from RockFlow

Description of fees and exchangeable amount:

  • RockFlow does not charge additional handling fees
  • When exchanging funds, the system will automatically calculate the current exchangeable amount. There are many factors that affect the calculation result of the exchangeable amount, including deposits and withdrawals or stock transactions and settlements, etc., but they will not affect the calculation of total assets. (Example: Stock rewards may slightly affect the display of the exchangeable amount. If you need to redeem the full amount, you can contact customer service on the APP to assist with the exchange, but it will take longer, please understand)


  • Exchange rate: The exchange rates of different banks are different and fluctuate in real time. The bank will complete the exchange at the real-time exchange rate, and the brokerage does not charge any exchange fees
  • Exchange time: 10:00 - 18:30 daily on weekdays. Exchange orders submitted before 3 pm on the trading day will usually be completed before 4 pm
  • Exchange restrictions: According to the stock market trading and clearing and settlement rules, the money you get from selling shares on T-day needs to be settled on T+2 before currency exchange can be made
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